DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Notice

We take intellectual property rights seriously and follow DMCA procedures for addressing copyright infringement on sites hosted by Zeleton Store. If you believe that any content on our site infringes on your intellectual property, please contact us using the form below with the specific details of the content, including:

  1. Your name, address, and electronic signature.
  2. The infringing materials and the URL where they are located on our site.
  3. Proof that you hold intellectual property rights to the material.
  4. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that there is no legal basis for the use of the content.
  5. A statement of the accuracy of the notice and, under penalty of perjury, that you are either the owner of the intellectual property rights or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

If we receive a valid DMCA claim and remove the relevant content that you believe infringes your rights, you may send us a counter-notice. The counter-notice must contain the following information:

  1. Your name, address, phone number, and physical or electronic signature.
  2. Identification of the material and its location before removal.
  3. A statement under penalty of perjury that the material was removed by mistake or misidentification.
  4. Subscriber consent to local federal court jurisdiction, or if overseas, to an appropriate judicial body.


When you send us a DMCA report, we understand that you have read and accepted the statements below:

  • *I have a good faith belief that content(s) in the campaign described above violate(s) my rights described above or those held by the rights owner, and that the use of such content(s) is contrary to law.

  • *I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information completed above is correct and accurate and that I am the owner or agent of the owner of the rights described above.


Zeleton Store

Head Office: 1020 Burnell Oaks Ln, Arcadia, California 91006.
